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Troubleshooting guide for Holori Terraform Diagrams GitHub App

You can't install Holori GitHub App

Please ensure that you are an admin of the organization or ask an admin to perform the installation.

Your organization is not listed on Holori web app

Please ensure that you gave the access to repos that belong to an organization. Currently repos that belong to an individual user are not supported.

Please ensure that your repo is not empty, at first, a simple file such as a read-me is sufficient to make your repo visible in Holori web app.

No diagram is generated

Please verify that:

  • you upload files that are directly accessible and not in a folder or sub-folder and not zipped
  • you commit to the root of your repo
  • you haven't reached the maximum quota of your current tier

To be continued, share with us the issues you encounter and we will publish the answers if they are relevant for the community.

Any suggestion?

Please feel free to reach out using the contact details provided in the contact section of this documentation.